Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Woo Hoooo- the new site is up!!

WOW- what a way to spend the new year- trying to get the new site to go live! But at least I was in good company! RIck stayed right there with me- It was pain staking work- one thing I did wish was that my mac and his PC got along better- LOL- and go figure anytime anything broke- it was because of my mac- heheh. But in the end I can get a good night sleep because most of everything is up and running smoothly! The rest can be done in time~
I'm so happy to be starting the new year off so productive, if I keep up at this speed I can't wait to see what I get accomplished in just a couple of months, LOL!
I do want to say a big thank you to all of the members of Scrapadilly, without you there would be no site!!! So may you all have a super prosperous year filled with happy scrappy moments, and a lot of free time to scrap them!!
Hugs!!!~ Bon

1 comment:

Shannon Schafer said...

Happy New Year! The site looks wonderful! D

